

     Racism is usually defined as prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.  It is someone who is prejudice and discriminates someone because of their race, ethnicity.
    In William Shakespeare’s Othello, racism is certainly featured throughout the play.  Othello was written some time between 1600 and 1605. In an time were ethnic minorities were so unimportant that they were almost ignored, a black man rises and has a position of a general in Venice, and is a well respected and trusted by his white leaders.

  However, when Othello marries Desdemona, the young and beautiful white girl, and the daughter of the Senator Brabantio everything changes, the racism of the 17th century world begins to take place. Iago becomes jealous when Cassio is chosen to be Othello’s personal assistant. As revenge for what Othello has done, Iago decides to use Othello’s marriage. Iago raises Brabantio from his bed, and shocks Brabentio saying, “'Zounds, sir, you're robb'd; for shame, put on your gown; Your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul; 
Even now, now, very now, an old black ram
Is tupping your white ewe. Arise, arise; 
Awake the snorting citizens with the bell, or else the devil will make a grandsire of you: Arise, I say" (A1, S1, L112-17). We can assume that Iago is not subtle. The words that he says can show us that other races in Venice are treated differently.  They are even related to animals and the devil in disguise. However, we can confirm that racism is in the atmosphere after Brabantio’s reaction.

   Brabantio mostly displays this racist atmosphere when he confronts Othello on the marriage situation and demands Othello to tell him where his daughter is,  “ Damn'd as thou art, thou hast enchanted her; 
For I'll refer me to all things of sense, 
If she in chains of magic were not bound, Whether a maid so tender, fair and happy, 
So opposite to marriage that she shunn'd. 
The wealthy curled darlings of our nation, 
Would ever have, to incur a general mock, 
Run from her guardage to the sooty bosom.
Of such a thing as thou" (A1, S2, L63-71)

When Brabantio discovered that Desdemona wasn’t forced and was willingly married Othello, he had suspension. In other words, Brabentio believed that Othello had used witchcraft on her. This is racist because Brabantio is stating that it impossible for his daughter to fall in love with a moor, unless he used some sort of witchcraft, a black man has nothing to give to a white woman – even a noble soldier such as Othello.

Brabantio would rather have his daughter unmarried than be with a black man. He believes that the duke will agree with him when he asks him to rule on the legality of the marriage,  “Mine's not an idle cause: the duke himself, 
 Or any of my brothers of the state, 
Cannot but feel this wrong as 'twere their own; For if such actions may have passage free, 
Bond-slaves and pagans shall our statesmen be” (A1, S2, L96-100). This is another presentation of racism; Brabantio believes that the Duke will side with him because they are both white and Othello is black.The meaning of his speech is that other races will be accepted while they are useful, and while they remember they belong and stick to it.  Marrying Desdemona a beautiful white girl, which every man would want, and he was rising above his supposed rank.
The Duke of Venice obviously believed Brabantio’s tale, however Othello was saved because the Turks were attacking Cyprus and he was needed.  Secondly, Desdemona persuades the council that she married Othello because she loved him, and he did not use witchcraft on her.
In the Elizabethan times, it was believed that the errors in the character were reflected in the outer appearance.  However the Duke tells Brabantio that his daughter is safe if Othello is her husband. The duke says "and, noble signior, 
If virtue no delighted beauty lack, your son-in-law is far more fair than black” (A1, S3, L291-3).  When the duke says this, Racism is in the atmosphere because the duke is implying that Othello is not like all the other moors, Othello is honorable.
The demonstration of Racism in Othello is displayed throughout the whole play, however primarily in Act 1. Iago’s decision to destroy Othello is not specifically based on colour, but the fact that he believes the promotion in the military more.

While racism indeed is demonstrated in Othello, it has nothing to do with the tragic outcomes in the play.  On the contrary, Shakespeare has displayed Othello as a good black man who was driven to do horrible things by a white man. Shakespeare’s point is that appearance is no indicator of the person beneath the skin. Like they say, “don’t judge a person by their colour”(unknown).


Text to World.

    Sometimes I wonder why racism continues today. Not much has changed since Elizabethan Times when it comes to Racism. This is because this concept is timeless. In the modern world, Racism is portrayed in many forms through movies and television, music industries, advertising, etc.

Movies and television:
   Movies and television continuously manipulate race in their productions.  The characteristics of the visuals from media have influenced us to believe that some certain groups are defined by certain looks and behaviors.  Even though that it’s not based on all the people in the group, the understanding by the audience is that the stereotype is true and believable. We always believe what we see, and never question if this is right or wrong and if we do we are considered to be the outsider. A example is that “blacks are associated with drugs and crimes, Latinos with illegal immigration, Natives with alcoholism and tribal conflicts, and Arabs with terrorist acts.” More often stars that are black are leading in gangsta movies where crimes, shootings, and drugs take place. Examples are Menace to society, Boyz in da Hood, New jersey drive. Asians play the roles where they usually are fighting in ninja style, such as Rush hour, Shanghai Noon, and The one.

Music industries:

    Racism is also present in music industry. Racist lyrics are present and promoted in today’s music, especially rap music and this is unfortunate.  Some rap music today debases white people, same as what they have done to the black people.  This can be revenge for what the Whites have done to the Blacks. One example of this is the rapper by the name Ice Cube. Ice Cube Promotes the killing of white people.  Many black artists that promote racism and racist ideas are LL Cool J, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, Dr. Dre, Method Man, Coolio.  All of these black artists through the music industries use their music to promote racism and racist ideas.

   Advertising is another part of the media that promotes racism. We all know that the goal for advertising is to make a profit by selling the product, service or idea. So, if the product is geared for a certain group/race, that group /race will be represented in the advertisement. Advertisers make eye-catching visuals to capture the consumers.  The advertiser, usually send a message that relate to the actual lifestyle of their audiences.  For example, cigarette companies tend to focus on specific targets. Research has shown they end to focus on targets such as blue-collar women, ambitious Hispanics or urban blacks. In many more ways, advertising continues to be a promoter of racism.

                        These are the 3 movies that promote racism 

These are two other movies that promote racism 


Text to Self:

    Racism had an affect on everyone’s life at a point. For example, Arabs are usually under one stereotype that “Muslims are Terrorists”. So, one time I was a forth grader playing at school having fun and it was time to go home. I was sitting on the bus and some 5 year old boy walks up to me and asks if I was hiding bombs under my headscarf. I believe this happened because racism in the media portrays Arabs in that image.

    Another time was in the airport, I have noticed if the metal beeper begins to beep, they take very close caution if a Arab, especially a women with a headscarf. They quickly take you into the room and check you all over. I am saying this because I experienced this, that’s why I always pray to god that the beeper never beeps when I walk through it.

Personal Response:

   Overall, I think that the play Othello is well written and well constructed. Shakespeare is very clever because he interprets that the black person “Othello” is honorable with a high position. How he interpreted that he had racist characters that called him the moor, thick-lips, etc. Without making the full story racist. Throughout the whole story I was so keen to know what would happen next if something huge based on racism was going to occur. Nothing has really changed from Elizabethan Time, racism is still occurring however its hidden from the eye, its usually the meaning behind the situation. It’s actually occurring, we just have to focus and open our eyes!

Racism in Othello Part 2